stars Mara Wilson as precocious six-year-old Matilda Wormwood, who discovers after a lifetime of being berated by her literature-shunning parents that she's not only smart but supernaturally gifted.
Matilda Wormwood is an exquisite and intelligent little girl. Unfortunately, her parents, Harry and Zinnia misunderstand her because they think she is so different. As time passes, she finally ...
Musical based on Roald Dahl's classic book. Matilda Wormwood is a little girl with a sharp mind, a vivid imagination and the worst parents in the world. On meeting her inspirational teacher Miss ...
“Matilda” had everything going for it: it was based on a beloved Roald Dahl book and it had fun stars (including director ...
Royal Shakespeare Company’s West End production of Matilda The Musical is now in ... Richardson continue in the roles of Mr and Mrs Wormwood. Since the multi-award-winning production ...