"Innocent Blood" stands out as a pivotal episode within The Incredible Hulk animated series, serving as a backdoor pilot for an unproduced Ghost Rider animated series. This crossover spectacle not ...
When the penny drops in Episode 4, your jaw will be on the floor ... There, we said it! The Incredible Hulk may have only lasted for two seasons, but it certainly didn’t skimp on the action.
"This feels like a really, really, expensive episode of 'Doctor Who.' In a good way," wrote Larushka Ivan-Zadeh for Metro. Edward Norton took over for Eric Bana in "The Incredible Hulk," which was ...
Historically, every January the TV networks enter what's called "pilot season" — when they select which scripts they'll produce an episode of before deciding to move forward with a full-season ...
But how did the term become associated with television? Historically, every January the TV networks enter what's called "pilot season" — when they select which scripts they'll produce an episode of ...
Ukrainian pilots fighting against Russia's invasion are using flying techniques the West has not really used since the Cold War but might need to revive, a former US F-16 pilot told Business Insider.
The idea of George Miller making an MCU movie seems to be inching closer to reality by the day, especially for a solo Hulk ...
ANYONE with the slightest pop culture knowledge is familiar with The Incredible Hulk. When Dr Bruce Banner gets angry, he transforms himself into this iconic green rage beast who can smash just ...