Odense is Denmark's third-largest city and is famed for its green spaces and cycling culture, so Novo Nordisk says it is taking steps to preserve nature at its site and plant more than 4,000 new ...
Novo Nordisk, a leading global healthcare company, announced plans to invest 8.5 billion Danish kroner to establish a completely new production facility in Odense, Denmark. The investment marks the ...
Medicinalgiganten Novo Nordisk indviede mandag et nyt byggeri af en fabrik uden for Odense til 8,5 mia. kr. Om to år skal den golde mark, hvor fabrikken skal ligge, være et område med træer, søer og ...
Medicinalselskabet Novo Nordisk etablerer for første gang i dette århundrede et helt nyt produktionsanlæg i Danmark. Fabrikken skal ligge i Odense på Fyn og Novo Nordisk investerer 8,5 ...
Danish healthcare firm Novo Nordisk announced plans on Monday for new investment in a production facility in one of the country's largest cities, Odense. Novo Nordisk said it plans to invest 8.5 ...