The ongoing Pokémon Go Legendary Flight event has established a stage for Kanto’s legendary bird trio to debut in their ...
Pokemon GO announces a big gameplay change, finally addressing a request that the community has been making for a long time.
The Kalos region, inspired by France, was introduced in the sixth generation of Pokemon games, Pokemon X and Y. There are ...
Get ready for Pokemon GO's Road to Unova event with our guide covering all raids, research rewards, exclusive moves, and event bonuses.
Keldeo, one of Unova’s many Mythical Pokémon, is currently nowhere to be found following other announcements from Niantic for ...
A disappointed Pokemon Go player highlighted a massive issue with paid Mythical encounters that reward trainers with bad rating creatures.
Pokemon GO has many events every week that players get to participate in to make the best of their in-game experience. This ...
Pokemon Go’s Road to Unova event is adding a major change to wild ecnouners that proves Niantic is listening to the fans.
Niantic is mixing things up ahead of the new 5-star Max Battle difficulty to help trainers get ready for the challenge.
Dynamax Articuno is available for you to catch, but what attacks and moveset should you teach it before using it in a battle?
The Legendary Birds of Kanto get the Dynamax treatment in a newly announced series of Max Battle events happening in Pokémon ...
This tool estimates the CP of evolved Pokemon based on the current Pokemon's stats. Simply input your Pokemon and its current CP to get the estimated CP for the evolved form(s). The Evolution ...